A new-generation

CPA/CPL affiliate program

How does it work?

You send leads to our system by any of several ways. Our smart system automatically selects a suitable company-buyer for your lead, forwards the lead to that company and awards you a commission.


Automatic conversion tracking helps you to obtain maximum profit from leads.


We obtain better terms from companies than you could obtain directly, thanks to high volumes and quality filtering.


We offer generous commissions, paying up to 95% of income to our major affiliate partners.


Our powerful regional sales team covers more than 90% of the market.


We work expertly with users through our own call enter, obtaining completed forms more often than other websites.


We offer simple, easy-to-use and effective promotional tools for best rates of traffic conversion.


Commission for sale of a lead that enters our system is paid in one of two ways.


Cost per lead (CPL): a lead that enters the system is offered for sale in an online auction; if it finds a buyer, a commission is credited to your account.


Cost per action (CPA): if the lead cannot be sold by auction, we pass it to finance companies, which are our partners. If the companies succeed in issuing a loan on the basis of the lead, a commission is credited to your account.


You can submit leads to our system in any of several ways. Choose the one that suits you best.


You can choose from a selection of ready-made iframes. We offer a range of functions, letting you set color and general appearance of the iframe, which harmonize best with your website design.


You can select a fully operational landing-page and place a link to the page on your website to direct visitors there.


You can use several types of API. We provide APIs for sending leads and for sending email addresses.


You want to work with us, but you don’t have your own website? You can use our content management system (CMS), which allows you to create your own unique website in a few clicks. All templates are designed to maximize your conversion rate.


What is the Leadsor pay-per-lead affiliate program?

The core principle of our program is that you receive money for each unique lead, which has been checked in real time.

How are affiliates paid?

Thanks to our unique payment system, you can decide when and how you are paid.

What is a lead?

A lead is information about a potential customer who has expressed interest in the product or service. If the customer went to the website, filled in a form or called by phone, he/she will have left a set of personal data. These data are the lead.

How is the lead passed on?

There are several ways of transferring and selling leads. You decide which of them suits you best.

Why choose our affiliate program?

Because of the unprecedented partnership and support, which we offer to our affiliates, including high levels of commission.

How can I become an affiliate?

You can become an affiliate in less than five minutes. Just complete an application on our website.

What is the minimum commission payout?

You can receive a payout when your commissions reach 100 EUR.

Can I negotiate a higher commission?

We are always open to dialogue and discussion on terms of work with our major partners.

Do you have any other questions?

If you do, please contact us and our managers will always do their best to answer them. Our customer support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What is the best way to get in touch?

Via our website, by phone, email or instant messaging. All our contact details can be found in the contacts section of our website.